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Feng Shui & Geomancy

Yin & Yang

Yin and Yang lie at the core of all Traditional Chinese explanations of life on earth. ( yang= solid line, yin=broken line )

Everything in the Spiritual realm is a unity.
Everything on the physical plane is a duality.

yang    yin


Yin and Yang are the two primary forces, they are opposites that compliment.

Yang is the male principle or +'ve charge and Yin is the female principle or -'ve charge.

It is the proportion, quality and interaction of these two forces that give rise to the many varied physical manifestations.
Yin and Yang in perfect harmony is called 'Tai Qi' (symbolized here). The proportion of yin and yang in perfect harmony is 1: 1.61803.

yin yang


The above proportion reoccurs in all natural things. The Fibinachi series is derived from it, and it was used extensively during the Renaissance period and Arts and Crafts Movement (where it is referred to as The Golden Section/ Golden ratio or Phi). It is the proportion of the Buddhist middle way. 

Although 'in balance', 'Tai Qi' is a state of balanced imbalance.

To gain an idea of the balance of yin and yang. Imagine two weights of 1kg and 1.618kg pivoted at a distance 1m and 0.618m (Phi m - symbol illustrated)

Phi - golden ratio


An good example of the occurrence of the above proportion in nature is the pine cone.
Form follows flow.
New growth occurs where the 5 descending spirals of  Yang Qi combine with the 8 ascending spirals of Yin Qi.

5/8ths = 0.618.

5 descending spirals (yang - from heaven) intersect with
8 ascending spirals (yin - from earth) creating new growth.

[Viktor Shauberger (1885-1958) the Austrian Scientist sought to unlock the secrets of natural energy, and found much common ground with Chinese Metaphysics . His works are a good source of information for those of you seeking a cross-over explanation.]

pine cone
pine cone energetics


Yin Yang
dark light
female male
night day
moon sun
cold hot
soft hard
-'ve charge expansion
body, body fluids Qi, thought
material, earthly immaterial, heaven
receptivity, passivity dynamism, activity